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Anyone who knows me or has heard of me will tell you that I am a HUGE Sting fan. I have been asked so many times to share my Sting collection online. So here ya go! Since 1987, I have been following his career. I have had the pleasure of drawing illustrations of him and giving them to him. Also have just met him several times before or after an event and just enjoyed a conversation with him. It was always so wonderful when he would see me and be so kind and smile and take time to talk. His respectfulness of my artistic skills was always something that gave me so much confidence to continue drawing.


He is more than just one of the greatest wrestlers ever to grace the ring. He is a sweet, kind and respectful human being that has made me known as his biggest fan an honor. I literally cried like a baby when he got induced into the WWE Hall of Fame. He so deserved that honor. Hope you enjoy your time in my website. I don't have a ton of money to buy everything Sting but what you will find in my website is lots of memories for all Sting fans!

MAR 11, 1989


MAR 22, 1995

I also was President of the SFWO (Sting Fans Without Order) a FREE membership online fan club that had over a 1000 members from the US and even international. It was established February 1, 1997 and became an instant hit! We had monthly contests with real Sting prizes! Met some very great people thru this fan club! Some of us even went to a Wrestlemania together in Boston! That is our official tshirt I designed in Column 2.

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